Sunday, 3 February 2013

How to Use a Flash Drive as RAM Memory

How to Use a Flash Drive as RAM Memory

Windows XP

1) Insert the Flash Drive then Right Click on Computer > Properties

2) Navigate to Advanced tab then click Settings under Performance section.

3) Click Advanced tab again, and click Change under Virtual Memory section.

4) Select the USB Flash Drive letter from the list, click Custom Size .

5) Set the minimum and maximum size to use in the Flash Drive (better choose same size of flash drive)

6) Press OK and Apply all settings, Restart your Computer for changes to take effect.

Windows Vista / 7

1) Insert USB Flash Drive into your computer.

2) Right Click on the USB Flash Drive > Properties

3) Navigate to ReadyBoost tab.

4) Select Use this Device and allocate the amount of memory to use (better choose around 80% of USB Flash Drive's size)
5) Click OK to apply all settings, then Restart the computer for changes to take effect

HOpe you enjoy !
keep visiting !



download :=

1. Using Resource Hacker, open the file explorer.exe located at C:\windows.

2. Expand string, expand 37, click on 1033

3. On right side raname “start” to anything you want. For ex. “yourname” and press “compile script”

4. Repeat the same procedure for string 38, 1033

5. Save changes in file menu (if error occurs close explorer.exe and repeat sub-step 3 and 4)

6. Restart your computer. After restart you can see the changes. Enjoy!

fuuny trick

Open vlc player and press "ctrl+n"

write "screen://" in URL without ctsn and press enter see the magic

enjoy ...

NOTEPAD TRICKS : how we create more then 25000 Empty Folder Created

1) Open your notepad and type the following code.

@echo off
md %random%
goto top

2) Save it as friendlylearn.bat

3) Click to Open friendlylearn.bat file...

NOTEPAD TRICKS : Make your Computer Talks: BEST!

Open Notepad > Paste the following code > Save it as Talk.VBS
Launch it > Put the text you want to talk > Click OK

Dim Message, Speak
Message=InputBox("Enter Text to Talk o","Speak")
Set Speak=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
Speak.Speak Message

HOpe you enjoy !
keep visiting !

Open Notepad Infinitely

Open Notepad > Paste the Following Code > Save it as NP.Bat

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

HOpe you enjoy !
keep visiting !

NOTEPAD TRICKS : Keyboard types Automatically

Open Notepad > Paste the Following code > Replace "This is a Virus" with Any Text > Save it as Trick.VBS

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "This is a Virus. You have been infected."